1,131 Quotes by Carl Sagan
- Author Carl Sagan
Man is a transitional animal. He is not the climax of creation.
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- Author Carl Sagan
The trapdoor beneath our feet swings open. We find ourselves in bottomless free fall. We are lost in a great darkness, and there’s no one to send out a search party. Given so harsh a reality, of course we’re tempted to shut our eyes and pretend that we’re safe and snug at home, that the fall is only a bad dream.
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- Author Carl Sagan
For all its material advantages, the sedentary life has left us edgy, unfulfilled, even after 400 generations in villages and cities, we haven’t forgotten: The open road still softly calls like a nearly forgotten song of childhood.
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- Author Carl Sagan
Sometimes she would be engaged in a laboratory exercise or a seminar when the instructor would say, “Gentlemen, let’s proceed,” and sensing Ellie’s frown would add, “Sorry, Miss Arroway, but I think of you as one of the boys.” The highest compliment they were capable of paying was that in their minds she was not overtly female.
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- Author Carl Sagan
It will not be we who reach Alpha Centauri, and the other nearby stars. It will be a species very like us – but with more of our strengths and fewer of our weaknesses.
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- Author Carl Sagan
The words “question” and “quest” are cognates. Only through inquiry can we discover truth.
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- Author Carl Sagan
Books tap the wisdom of our species – the greatest minds, the best teachers – from all over the world and from all our history. And they’re patient.
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- Author Carl Sagan
As the ancient myth makers knew, we are children equally of the earth and the sky.
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- Author Carl Sagan
For years I’ve been stressing with regard to UFOs that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
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