1,131 Quotes by Carl Sagan
- Author Carl Sagan
All of the books in the world contain no more information than is broadcast as video in a single large American city in a single year. Not all bits have equal value.
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- Author Carl Sagan
Looking at fires when high, by the way, especially through one of those prism kaleidoscopes which image their surroundings, is an extraordinarily moving and beautiful experience.
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- Author Carl Sagan
Nature does not always conform to our predispositions and preferences, to what we deem comfortable and easy to understand.
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- Author Carl Sagan
I worry that, especially as the Millennium edges nearer, pseudo-science and superstition will seem year by year more tempting, the siren song of unreason more sonorous and attractive.
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- Author Carl Sagan
All inquires carry with them some element of risk. There is no guarantee that the universe will conform to our predispositions.
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- Author Carl Sagan
Indeed the reasoned criticism of a prevailing belief is a service to the proponents of that belief; if they are incapable of defending it, they are well advised to abandon it. This self-questioning and error-correcting aspect of the scientific method is its most striking property.
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- Author Carl Sagan
Extraordinary observations require extraordinary evidence to make them believable.
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- Author Carl Sagan
I am often amazed at how much more capability and enthusiasm for science there is among elementary school youngsters than among college students.
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- Author Carl Sagan
At the heart of science is an essential balance between two seemingly contradictory attitudes-an openness to new ideas, no matter how bizarre or counterintuitive they may be, and the most ruthless skeptical scrutiny of all ideas, old and new. This is how deep truths are winnowed from deep nonsense.
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