143 Quotes by Carlo Rovelli
"To trust immediate intuitions rather than collective examination that is rational, careful, and intelligent is not wisdom: it is the presumption of an old man who refuses to believe that the great world outside his village is any different from the one that he has always known."
"I don’t like to thank God: I like to wake in the morning, look at the sea and thank the wind, the waves, the sky, the fragrance of plants, the life that allows me to exist, the sun that rises."
"The entropy of the world in the far past appears very low to us. But this might not reflect the exact state of the world: it might regard the subset of the world' s variables with which we, as physical systems, have interacted. It is with respect to the dramatic blurring produced by our interactions with the world, caused by the small set of macroscopic variables in terms of which we describe the world, that the entropy of the universe was low."
"Se non si perde tempo non si arriva da nessuna parte, cosa che i genitori degli adolescenti purtroppo dimenticano spesso."
"The Einstein who makes more errors than anyone else is precisely the same Einstein who succeeds in understanding more about nature than anyone else."
"Non c’è più lo spazio che «contiene» il mondo e non c’è più il tempo «lungo il quale» avvengono gli eventi. Ci sono solo processi elementari dove quanti di spazio e materia interagiscono tra loro in continuazione. L’illusione dello spazio e del tempo continui attorno a noi è la visione sfocata di questo fitto pullulare di processi elementari."
"La fisica del XIX e XX secolo si è scontrata con queste domande ed è incappata in qualcosa di inaspettato e sconcertante, assai più del fatto, in fondo marginale, che il tempo passi a velocità diverse in luoghi diversi. La differenza fra passato e futuro - fra causa e effetto, fra memoria e speranza, fra rimorso e intenzione - nelle leggi elementari che descrivono i meccanismi del mondo non c'è."
"[T]he elementary form of the mechanics of the world...does not need to mention 'time.' The world without a time variable is not a complicated one. It's a net of interconnected events, where the variables in play adhere to probabilistic rules that, incredibly, we know for a good part how to write. And it's a clear world, windswept and full of beauty as the crests of mountains; aridly beautiful as the cracked lips of the adolescent you loved."