811 Quotes by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
- Author Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Ένα μυστικό αξίζει όσο κι εκείνοι απ' τους οποίους θέλουμε να το κρατήσουμε κρυφό.
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- Author Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Televīzija, draugs Daniel, ir antikrists, un es jums saku, ka pietiks ar trim vai četrām paaudzēm, lai cilvēki paši neprastu pat nopirsties, un cilvēciskā būtne agriezīsies alā, viduslaiku tumsonībā, un tajā muļķības stāvoklī, ko kailgliemezis pārvarēja jau pleistocēna laikmetā. Šī pasaule neies bojā no autombumbas, kā raksta laikrakstos, tā nomirs no smiekliem, no banalitātes, visu pārvēršot par joku, un turklāt sliktu joku.
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- Author Carlos Ruiz Zafón
He didn't know whether we created God in our own image or whether God created us without quite knowing what he was doing. He believed that God, or whatever brought us here, lives in each of our deeds, in each of our words, and manifests himself in all those things that show us to be more than mere figures of clay.
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- Author Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Sometimes we think people are like lottery tickets, that they're there to make our most absurd dreams come true.
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- Author Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Mention the gothic, and many readers will probably picture gloomy castles and an assortment of sinister Victoriana. However, the truth is that the gothic genre has continued to flourish and evolve since the days of Bram Stoker, producing some of its most interesting and accomplished examples in the 20th century - in literature, film and beyond.
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- Author Carlos Ruiz Zafón
It is part of our nature to survive. Faith is an instinctive response to aspects of existence that we cannot explain by any other means - be it the moral void we perceive in the universe, the certainty of death, the mystery of the origin of things, the meaning of our own lives or the absence of meaning.
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- Author Carlos Ruiz Zafón
In principle I'm an atheist, although in fact I have a lot of faith
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- Author Carlos Ruiz Zafón
I turned you into a stranger in order to forget you and now I'm the stranger.
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- Author Carlos Ruiz Zafón
The haunting of history is ever present in Barcelona. I see cities as organisms, as living creatures. To me, Madrid is a man and Barcelona is a woman. And its a woman whos extremely vain.
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