14 Quotes by Caroline Linden

  • Author Caroline Linden
  • Quote

    She turned her head to smile at him, and in that moment she looked rather lovely. With her face lit by affection and happiness, she wasn’t actually plain, Hugh realized. Her face was unremarkable, true, but there was a brightness and an animation to her tonight, some spark that made her arresting.

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  • Author Caroline Linden
  • Quote

    He arranged a balloon expedition, just to impress you. He asked you to dance – he even argued for your acquiescence. I’ve heard enough gossip to know he’s not regularly out in decent society, and certainly not to dance with unmarried young ladies. Even if you wish to blame all that on your brother,” Evangeline said as she pursed her lips, “I’m quite certain Douglas never told him to look at you as if you were a fascinating riddle he can’t stop thinking about and longs to solve.

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  • Author Caroline Linden
  • Quote

    To the ends of the earth, madam, to say nothing of back and forth in this garden.

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  • Author Caroline Linden
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    As long as she would have him, the rest of the world could go hang.

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  • Author Caroline Linden
  • Quote

    He leaned forward. “Bathsheba,” he said in the soft Scottish drawl that always caused unwarranted tremors to shiver through her. “Are you trying to seduce me?” Yes. She would die before saying it out loud. “Would it be faster to try to hire you?” Liam laughed. “You couldn’t afford me, love.

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