21 Quotes by Cat Hellisen

  • Author Cat Hellisen
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    After all, there is nothing quite like losing a parent to knock the childishness out of a person’s spirit.

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  • Author Cat Hellisen
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    Like all high-Lammers, I am a lucky accident of birth, gifted with a talent that can be expanded by something as simple as a mineral. A mineral unfortunately rare and extremely addictive. This – this dust – rules our lives. Sometimes I wonder if it would be better had there been no magic at all.

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  • Author Cat Hellisen
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    Sarah liked to think that night was the best time to work on staying silly and childish. Darkness always seemed more understanding about those sorts of things. More accommodating. Tonight.

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  • Author Cat Hellisen
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    My mother still deludes herself that the letters are written out of more than a desire to spend as little time in our company as possible. She likes to think he is still hers.

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  • Author Cat Hellisen
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    None of them will believe me. I drop any attempt to explain myself and just gracefully accept that people are going to make assumptions and that the more I argue, the more it’ll look like I’m trying to hide something.

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  • Author Cat Hellisen
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    The two vampires exchange glances, and I sigh. I don’t need Harun’s anger on top of my own. Let the vampires do as they please. He should do what I do and learn to slip all his emotions under layers and layers of nothingness until they are barely there at all. Or perhaps that is a skill only women are taught.

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  • Author Cat Hellisen
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    Before, I would have been powdered and perfumed, my hair done in an elaborate style by the patient fingers of servants. The household crake would have written lines in my honor, my dress would have been new, and I would have been as beautifully turned out as glass sculpture from House Canroth. And as empty.

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  • Author Cat Hellisen
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    Carefully, I arrange the teapot, the little white cup, and the sugar bowl before me like an army. Defense? Or attack?

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  • Author Cat Hellisen
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    I will never let myself be caught like that – any marriage I make will be my own. A choice. A free one.

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