61 Quotes by Catherine Fisher

  • Author Catherine Fisher
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    I often write in pencil on paper and then type up later. It's much quicker than using a keyboard.

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  • Author Catherine Fisher
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    With the novels, I try to write a few pages a day - it doesn't sound much, but it can be difficult if I'm not sure where the story is going.

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  • Author Catherine Fisher
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    Even across the dark, even across the loss, even across the emptiness, soul will speak to soul

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  • Author Catherine Fisher
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    He worked night and day. He made a coat that would transform him; he would be more than a man; a winged creature, beautiful as light. All the birds brought him feathers. Even the eagle. Even the swan.

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  • Author Catherine Fisher
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    The Art Magicke has rules. It means I have to teach you all my tricks. All the substitutions, the replications, the illusions. How to read minds and palms and leaves. How to disappear and reappear. "How to saw people in half?" "That too." "Nice.

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  • Author Catherine Fisher
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    Despair is deep. An abyss that swallows dreams. A wall at the world's end. Behind it I await death. Because all our work has come to this.

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  • Author Catherine Fisher
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    Where are the leaders?' Sapphique asked. 'In the fortresses,' the swan replied. 'And the poets?' 'Lost in dreams of other worlds.' 'And the craftsmen?' 'Forging machines to challenge the darkness.' 'And the Wise, who made the world?' The swan lowered its black neck sadly. 'Dwindled to crones and sorcerers in towers.

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  • Author Catherine Fisher
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    The world is a chessboard, Madam, on which we play out our ploys and follies. You are the Queen, of course. Your moves are the strongest. For myself, I claim only to be a knight, advancing in a crooked progress. Do we move ourselves, do you think, or does a great gloved hand place on our squares

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