61 Quotes by Catherine Fisher

  • Author Catherine Fisher
  • Quote

    Even across the dark, even across the loss, even across the emptiness, soul will speak to soul.

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  • Author Catherine Fisher
  • Quote

    The world is a chessboard, Madam, on which we play out our ploys and follies. You are the Queen, of course. Your moves are the strongest. For myself, I claim only to be a knight, advancing in a crooked progress. Do we move ourselves, do you think, or does a great gloved hand place on our squares.

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  • Author Catherine Fisher
  • Quote

    Shadow turned. Her eyes were wet; she smiled at him wanley. “I’ll be she loved you.

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  • Author Catherine Fisher
  • Quote

    How could you betray me, Incarceron? How could you let me fall? I thought I was your son. It seems I am your fool. – Songs of Sapphique.

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  • Author Catherine Fisher
  • Quote

    If a speculum is polished sufficiently, it becomes invisible. For it doth reflect all about it, so that the eye sees only that which is shown, not the devyse that showeth it. And if a man becomes hard as diamond, faceted and flawed, he too will show nothing of himself, onlie the fractured images of his world.

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  • Author Catherine Fisher
  • Quote

    It is not wise for a mortal man to gaze too long into the darkness. He comes to see strange shapes and cold imaginings. He comes to doubt all that he once held true.

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  • Author Catherine Fisher
  • Quote

    Chloe turned to Vetch. The poet said gently, “You see, you do have power. Words give you power, to create or destroy.” His eyes flickered to Clare. “Even to forgive...

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