34 Quotes by Catherine Lowell
"The curtains were blood-red and drawn. This was not an office. It was a small library, two storeys high, with thin ladders and impractical balconies and an expansive ceiling featuring a gaggle of naked Greeks. It was the sort of library you'd marry a man for."
"A new adaptation of Jane Eyre came out every year, and every year it was exactly the same. An unknown actress would play Jane, and she was usually prettier than she should have been. A very handsome, very brooding, very 'ooh-la-la' man would play Rochester, and Judi Dench would play everyone else."
"Nothing, I learned, brings you into the present quite like holding hands. The past seemed irrelevant; the future, unnecessary."
"Wuthering Heights, considered the most romantic book ever written by those who had never read it carefully."
"There was no romantic ending for Charlotte, but that's where writing your own novel can be so useful."
"His expression was impassive. Somewhere, I just knew, he must have a slew of illegitimate children, all named Bartholomew."