20 Quotes by Catherine McKenzie

  • Author Catherine McKenzie
  • Quote

    Too many things had happened in too short a time span. Did people’s lives really change this quickly? Years of sameness, and then a few hours, a few moments, and everything’s different? But, yes, of course they can. It happens all the time.

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  • Author Catherine McKenzie
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    Life is made up of turning points. Forks in the road. We make choices every day that take us down one path over another. The thing I’ve learned is, there generally aren’t any signposts along the way.

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  • Author Catherine McKenzie
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    No one had told her, before she had children, that being a mother would be like reliving her own childhood, only worse. That she’d have to re-feel all the slights and worries a hundredfold.

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  • Author Catherine McKenzie
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    There are so many versions of the truth, I’ve found. One for each person. But the whole truth? No one ever tells the whole truth. Do they?

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  • Author Catherine McKenzie
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    Depression’s a funny thing. We don’t know what to do about it – as a society – unless we’ve been there ourselves. The person before us is not someone we know, and their unhappiness is often not something we can understand. So we downplay it, and we make the afflicted somehow to blame. No one would ever tell someone with cancer that if they tried a bit harder, if they got out of bed and took a shower, everything would be better, but people told her all those things. That and more, worse.

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  • Author Catherine McKenzie
  • Quote

    My brain was playing tricks on me, sucking me inward, away from my life, my family, myself.

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  • Author Catherine McKenzie
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    Love isn’t simple, Katie, and neither is life. Things that are worth having are sometimes complicated, and they evoke complicated emotions. You know, one of the reasons people often turn to alcohol or drugs is that they can’t deal with complications.

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  • Author Catherine McKenzie
  • Quote

    But, of course, everyone has regrets. Loose ends. Things they could do if they had more time.

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