122 Quotes by Charlie Jane Anders
"All this time as a mad scientist why didn't he have a shrink ray or stun gun in his closet somewhere? He had been wasting his life."
"Serafina was late for dinner because her emotional robots had been having a nervous breakdown."
"The bookstore had no musty ‘old books’ smell, and instead it had a nice oaky aroma, similar to the way Laurence imagined the whiskey casks would be before you put Scotch into them for ageing. This was a place where you would age well."
"One day the Singularity would elevate humans to cybernetic superbeings, and maybe then people would say what they meant.Probably not, though."
"Live every day as if you've come back in time from a dystopian future to try and prevent everything from breaking."
"Loose ends are cool... Loose ends mean that you are still living your life. The person who dies with the most loose ends wins."
"What was it?” Serafina wandered off to look at yogurt-covered pretzels, probably annoyed at him for talking on the phone. Her long fingers lifted the packets of white twists, as though plucking flowers. Her nose twitched and she smiled, as if the pretzels had told her a joke. I will not let you get away, he said to Serafina in his mind."