827 Quotes by Charlotte Brontë
- Author Charlotte Brontë
But are you sure you are not in the position of those conquerors whose triumphs have cost them too dear?
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- Author Charlotte Brontë
You are afraid of me, because I talk like a sphinx.
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- Author Charlotte Brontë
I sometimes regretted to be handsomer; I sometimes wished to have rosy cheeks, a straight nose, and a small cherry mouth; I desired to be tall, stately, and finely developed in figure...And why had I these aspirations and these regrets? It would be difficult to say
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- Author Charlotte Brontë
Probably, if I had lately left a good home and kind parents, this would have been the hour when I should most keenly have regretted the separation; that wind would then have saddened my heart; this obscure chaos would have disturbed my peace! as it was, I derived from both a strange excitement, and reckless and feverish, I wished the wind to howl more wildly, the gloom to deepen to darkness, and the confusion to rise to clamour.
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- Author Charlotte Brontë
[...] I could not go on for ever so: I want to enjoy my own faculties as well as to cultivate those of other people. I must enjoy them now; don't recall either my mind or body to the school; I am out of it and disposed for full holiday.
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- Author Charlotte Brontë
I romanzieri non dovrebbero mai consentire a se stessi di stancarsi dell’indagine della vita reale.
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- Author Charlotte Brontë
He wrote because he liked to write; he did not abridge, because he cared not to abridge. He sat down, he took pen and paper, because he loved Lucy and had much to say to her; because he was faithful and thoughtful, because he was tender and true.
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- Author Charlotte Brontë
Mark my words—you will come some day to a craggy pass in the channel, where the whole of life’s stream will be broken up into whirl and tumult, foam and noise: either you will be dashed to atoms on crag points, or lifted up and borne on by some master-wave into a calmer current—as I am now.
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- Author Charlotte Brontë
Women read men more truly than men read women. I’ll prove that in a magazine paper some day when I have time; only it will never be inserted. It will be ‘declined with thanks,’ and left for me at the publisher’s.
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