749 Quotes by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
"She seemed so happy, so at peace, and I wondered how anybody around me could feel that way when liquid fire was raging inside me, when fear was mingling with hope and clutching itself around my ankles."
"—Ejima m, ¿qué ocurre? —volvió a preguntar.—En realidad, nada. Nada que sea nuevo —contestó Olanna, con la mirada fija en la botella de coñac sobre la mesa—. Quiero que esta guerra acabe para que él pueda volver. Se ha convertido en otra persona.—Todos estamos en esta guerra, y nos toca a nosotros decidir si nos convertimos o no en otra persona —dijo Kainene."
"Readers like SapphicDerrida, who reeled off statistics and used words like “reify” in their comments, made Ifemelu nervous, eager to be fresh and to impress, so that she began, over time, to feel like a vulture hacking into the carcasses of people’s stories for something she could use. Sometimes making fragile links to race. Sometimes not believing herself."
"There is so much that is still silent between Jaja and me. Perhaps we will talk more with time, or perhaps we never will be able to say it all, to clothe things in words, things that have long been naked."
"femelu could not understand this, her mother’s ability to tell herself stories about her reality that did not even resemble her reality"
"She cries quietly, her shoulders heaving up and down, not the kind of loud sobbing that the women Chika knows do, the kind that screams Hold me and comfort me because I cannot deal with this alone. The woman's crying is private, as though she is carrying out a necessary ritual that involves no one else."
"Men's grooming is never suspect in the way women's grooming is--a well-dressed man does not worry that, because he is dressed well, certain assumptions might be made about his intelligence, his ability, or his seriousness. A woman, on the other hand, is always aware of how a bright lipstick or a carefully-put-together outfit might very well make others assume her to be frivolous."