749 Quotes by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

  • Author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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    There are two answers to the things they will teach you about our land: the real answer and the answer you give in school to pass. You must read books and learn both answers.

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  • Author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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    Ella no entendía el grunge , la idea de ofrecer un aspecto sucio porque podias permitirte no ir sucio, era una burla para los verdaderamente sucios.

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  • Author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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    She felt as if she had somehow failed him and herself by allowing his mother’s behavior to upset her. She should be above it; she should shrug it off as the ranting of a village woman; she should not keep thinking of all the retorts she could have made instead of just standing mutely in that kitchen. But she was upset, and made even more so by Odenigbo's expression, as if he could not believe she was not quite as high-minded as he had thought.

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  • Author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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    —Ejima m, ¿qué ocurre? —volvió a preguntar.—En realidad, nada. Nada que sea nuevo —contestó Olanna, con la mirada fija en la botella de coñac sobre la mesa—. Quiero que esta guerra acabe para que él pueda volver. Se ha convertido en otra persona.—Todos estamos en esta guerra, y nos toca a nosotros decidir si nos convertimos o no en otra persona —dijo Kainene.

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  • Author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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    Readers like SapphicDerrida, who reeled off statistics and used words like “reify” in their comments, made Ifemelu nervous, eager to be fresh and to impress, so that she began, over time, to feel like a vulture hacking into the carcasses of people’s stories for something she could use. Sometimes making fragile links to race. Sometimes not believing herself.

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