118 Quotes by Chinonye J. Chidolue
"There comes a time in your life when you have to choose between giving up and staying strong, when situations will try to predict your fate, when friends will depart from you and your echo will be your only companion. When that time comes, remember just why you fought so hard to get to where you are. What is life that it should threaten your faith and who is man that you should clinch onto for happiness? You have a destination. Remember this!"
"The fewer the words, the better you’re heard!"
"Sometimes it’s about knowing people, all of the time, it’s about knowing God!"
"Perfection is a lie, and lying to others is explicable but lying to oneself is the highest form of deceit."
"Toss me like a dough and watch me RISE!"
"Do you remember the very beginning?When the dream was all that mattered...You may have come so far, honey...But remember the routes of the beginning...Where the dream all began."
"Challenges will come, but success is proof of challenges conquered and difficulties overcome."
"Take that risky leap of faith and damn the consequences because there really are hardly any consequences, only great rewards!"