118 Quotes by Chinonye J. Chidolue

"Sometimes the best advice you can offer are questions. Questions make way for clarity."


"There comes a time in your life when you have to choose between giving up and staying strong, when situations will try to predict your fate, when friends will depart from you and your echo will be your only companion. When that time comes, remember just why you fought so hard to get to where you are. What is life that it should threaten your faith and who is man that you should clinch onto for happiness?You have a destination. Remember this!"


"Your mind is a Microcosm of strength and power. There’s all the magic you need in it. When all else fails, search within!"


"From all I learned about life, you can’t lose yourself in others to discover yourself. You will get lost forever."


"It's okay to be happy with yourself for all that you are and aren't. It's okay to accept that life will not always be a "win-win". Its okay to fall and pick yourself back up. It's okay to be different and not be accepted by the crowd. Its okay to be on that journey of little beginnings. Your happiness should never be overburdened or compromised by none of your life choices. It's okay to just be happy"


"Oh Maker, what did they really say about your black creation? I think you made a beautiful work of art on a canvass of rebellion. Hey, Maker! We are still selling out!"


"You bear a significant importance to humanity. You exist to complete the mold. Each step you take, great or little is important to your self-growth and success. Don't be hard on yourself when things don't go right or when the journey seems tough. You have not just one extra year but an entire lifetime to keep trying until you get it right. Please be good to yourself by keeping hope alive always. It's not about the new year. It's about you!"


"To hope is a long run but hopelessness is wrongdoing to your soul."


"It is plain directionless to want to conquer your odds and reach your Goals just to prove a point to the Naysayers. Do it instead for the satisfaction and Joy of you and those that believe in you. Train your Focus!"
