118 Quotes by Chinonye J. Chidolue
"Never under-estimate your effort, no matter how little. Every effort, little or great is a step closer towards the actualisation of your dreams."
"You may not have covered your set tracks but it’s never too late to start."
"Your purpose is your business, and if you let this be your constant reminder, you will not be intimidated or distracted by the achievement of others. Your purpose needs just as much attention as you're giving to the business of others; and if you don't put your nose in your own business, how can you then experience this beautiful life transition called Growth?"
"They will turn you over, toss you about, fob you off, take you less seriously, because to get there, you must walk on your own feet."
"We are all goofs of ourselves no matter how perfect the lives of some may seem. But when we embrace our flaws and work with it, sometimes, just sometimes, we get it right."
"An idea is only an idea until you breathe life into it."
"The unfortunate thing about being a 'doormat' is, eventually you must expire and get replaced."
"If it judges your conscience, then you are in some way guilty of it by action, words or omission."
"The river of knowledge has no depth."