106 Quotes by Chris Murray

"Like an ant, I will find my way round any obstacle. Like a child, I will persevere with pinpoint focus."


"You – help - people. You are an expert in your field, who genuinely helps other human beings. Take pride in that, stop hawking your wares, and get a bit of respect for your profession, and earn some from your prospects."


"Dreaming and becoming are completely separate parts of the process. However, they are both as important as each other. Never discount how powerful your dreams are. If you cannot visualise what it is you wish to become, then the brain doesn’t have the first clue how to get you there."


"That which is currently beyond your capabilities now, does not have to be so forever."


"It’s not how I view being a salesman. It’s how I live being a salesman."


"Ready? No one is ever ready, my boy. But some do what they plan to do and some never will. The difference between the two is that the first group understand that they need to start somewhere, so they do so. Straight away."


"Listening is a discipline. It’s all about being present at that moment in time."


"Nobody ever kicked a dog wagging its tail."


"Plans are easy to make, dreams are easy to dream. But putting your back into it? A little bit of hard graft and discipline? That is just too scary and far too much effort for the masses."


"You – help – people. You are an expert in your field, who genuinely helps other human beings. Take pride in that, stop hawking your wares, and get a bit of respect for your profession, and earn some from your prospects."
