206 Quotes by Christina Baker Kline
- Author Christina Baker Kline
The hands clasped together symbolize friendship. The heart is love. And the crown stands for loyalty
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
She is so white-hot furious she can barely see. She stokes the fire of her hatred, feeding it tidbits about bigoted Dina and spineless mushmouth Ralph, because she knows that just beyond the rage is a sorrow so enervating it could render her immobile. She needs to keep moving, flickering around the room. She needs o fill her bags and get the hell out of here.
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
How did I go from being the maiden in a fairy tale to a wretched old maids so quickly? It happened almost without my realizing it...
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
It is marvelous to be young on a big city street.
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
The things that matter stay with you, seep into your skin
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
I ... am left with the lingering feeling that the places we go in our minds to find comfort have little to do with where our bodies go.
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
I remember her words to me when I left school: Your mind will be your comfort. It is, sometimes. And sometimes it isn't.
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
If you want trouble, find yourself a redhead.
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
This is why we can’t leave the making of laws to men. They result in travesties of injustice that unfairly burden the poor. And women. Those high and mighty aristocrats, in their black robes and powdered wigs—they have no idea.
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