68 Quotes by Christina Hoff Sommers

  • Author Christina Hoff Sommers
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    Playing on the biblical double meaning of knowing to refer both to intercourse and to cognition, Ellman and MacKinnon claim that men approach nature as rapists approach a woman, taking joy in violating “her,” in “penetrating” her secrets. Feminists, says MacKinnon, have finally realized that for men, “to know has meant to fuck." In a similar mood, Sandra Harding suggests that Newton’s Principles of Mechanics could just as aptly be called “Newton’s Rape Manual.

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  • Author Christina Hoff Sommers
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    Feminist critics have looked at the metaphors of “male science” and found them sexist. I recently heard a feminist astronomer interviewed on CNN say in all seriousness that sexist terminology like “the Big Bang Theory” is “off-putting to young women” who might otherwise be interested in pursuing careers in her field.

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  • Author Christina Hoff Sommers
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    Feminist Gloria Steinem has called research on sex differences “anti-American.” She says, “It is what is keeping us down.” According to Gloria Allred, such research simply should not be done. “This is harmful and dangerous to our daughters’ lives, to our mothers’ lives, and I am very angry about it.” Feminist critics have a term for neurologists who study sex differences: “neurosexists.

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  • Author Christina Hoff Sommers
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    I think the fallacy is to think that Women's Liberation meant that men and women would become interchangeable. That has not happened, and most men and women would not want it to happen.

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  • Author Christina Hoff Sommers
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    I think the rules will change and I think more and more young women are going to decide that having a family and taking care of a home is not a bad choice, but how do we subsidize it - not necessarily European-style socialism. It'll have to be a new more creative, dynamic and local solution.

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  • Author Christina Hoff Sommers
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    Toy companies aren't interested in ideology, they want to sell toys. If they would sell a toy that both boys and girls would buy, it doubles profits.

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