648 Quotes by Christine E. Szymanski

  • Author Christine E. Szymanski
  • Quote

    The only way to truly take back full control of your life is to uncover it all." Not just the parts that lifted your spirits, but also the ones that lowered them too. If certain details remain hidden from your view, they will continue to unknowingly reveal themselves in your everyday thoughts and actions until you do.

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  • Author Christine E. Szymanski
  • Quote

    Are you guilty of making excuses? It is time to look at excuses in a new way. Are you not good enough to do what is best for you? Is there really any good reason why you shouldn't live your best life? Excuses are fear driven and or the unwillingness to make yourself a priority. Stop, pull over, and hop off the excuse bus now which is driving you nowhere fast.

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