99 Quotes by Christine Lagarde

  • Author Christine Lagarde
  • Quote

    I’m not in the business of reading tea leaves. I don’t have a crystal ball.

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  • Author Christine Lagarde
  • Quote

    If climate change issues are not adequately addressed – if we keep running those nice energy subsidies, if the price on carbon is not adequately set, if policymakers don’t have it on their radar screens – then financial stability in the medium and long-term is clearly at stake.

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  • Author Christine Lagarde
  • Quote

    You know, when I sit in meetings and things are very tense and people take things extremely seriously and they invest a lot of their ego, I sometimes think to myself, ‘Come on, you know, there’s life and there’s death and there is love.’ And all of that ego business is nonsense compared to that.

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  • Author Christine Lagarde
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    I’m very much a believer that it’s action that matters much more so than, you know, the flurry of political promises and statements and slogans that are used during political campaigns.

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  • Author Christine Lagarde
  • Quote

    I have a theory that women are generally given space and appointed to jobs when the situation is tough. I’ve observed that in many instances. In times of crisis, women eventually are called upon to sort out the mess, face the difficult issues and be completely focused on restoring the situation.

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  • Author Christine Lagarde
  • Quote

    France would be reluctant to embrace any proposal by the European Commission to slash agricultural tariffs if it threatened the European Union’s Common Agriculture Policy .

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  • Author Christine Lagarde
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    You are never wrong when you have voted because you’ve acted in accordance with your conscience and your beliefs, and you’ve exercised your democratic right, which is, you know, perfectly legitimate in our democracies.

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  • Author Christine Lagarde
  • Quote

    It’s become my brand in a way, you know, speaking the truth even though it was not politically correct.

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  • Author Christine Lagarde
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    It’s a question of not so much pushing the boys out of the picture, but making the whole frame bigger so that both men and women access the labor market, contribute to the economy, generate growth, have jobs, and so on.

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