26 Quotes by Christopher Poindexter
- Author Christopher Poindexter
give me the worldbut for Christ's sake,do not sugercoat it.give me it rawand gleaming withtruth.i want the madnessto twirl me around untili can no longer stand.i refuse to be drunkon a soft world.the world is cruel,my love,you must understandthat,but in that understandingyou must understand this,too, just because it is crueldoes not mean it is notbeautiful.
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- Author Christopher Poindexter
It is the feeling of never knowing what we want that truly drives us all mad.... Holding things because we think in a moment we love them only to uncurl our fingers later and softly give them back to the earth.
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- Author Christopher Poindexter
Your darkness is a symphonyPlayed in explosions of silence to a crowd that has fallen in love with noiseIf they refuse to applaud youIt isn't because your music isn't beautiful It is because they have no idea how to love what they don't understandAnd that, my darling, is the most horrific flaw in this mixed up world
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- Author Christopher Poindexter
Tears are the silent passion for suffering
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- Author Christopher Poindexter
Loneliness burns in towers of fire around us
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- Author Christopher Poindexter
The human spirit is poetry enough and I understand that, but I write to make it transparent to a world in love with bright screens and rising technology.
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- Author Christopher Poindexter
Chaos is an angel who fell in love with a demon.
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- Author Christopher Poindexter
We are the scientists, trying to make sense of the stars inside us.
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- Author Christopher Poindexter
It is the feeling of never knowing what we want that truly drives us all mad... Holding things because we think in a moment we love them only to uncurl our fingers later and softly give them back to the earth.
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