151 Quotes by Chuck Hagel

  • Author Chuck Hagel
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    I have met her, but beyond that, I really haven't worked with her. I know very little about her.

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  • Author Chuck Hagel
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    If in fact we are treating prisoners this way, it's not only wrong, it's dangerous and very dumb and very shortsighted,

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  • Author Chuck Hagel
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    If we lose our allies and do something very precipitous, it would endanger not just Americans around the world, but it would endanger this country, our security, stability in the world for a long time to come because we were rash in using our power.

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  • Author Chuck Hagel
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    He won a majority of the vote. Well, who are we to say that they don't have that right in making that decision? My point in using that example is that at some point we are going to have to go back and allow the people to make the choices here.

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  • Author Chuck Hagel
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    We took a day and a half to make sure that no millionaires could oust any of my colleagues from their seats, ... And many of my colleagues used terms like, 'my seat,' 'our seat,' don't let anybody threaten that, of course.

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  • Author Chuck Hagel
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    Historians will look back on this day and say this was a turning point, ... This is a significant step toward the Congress exercising its constitutional responsibilities over matters of war.

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  • Author Chuck Hagel
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    It cannot be seen as a puppet of the United States because if it is, then we will run the risk of losing Iraq, ... In the end, it is the Iraqi people that will make the decisions.

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  • Author Chuck Hagel
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    It becomes a question as to what can the U.S. and our allies do, what should we do, what action, what option do we have?

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