48 Quotes by Claudia Pavel
- Author Claudia Pavel
I hope you'll erase all of your soul's mournful songsand allow me enhance your spirit in a delightful flight of chimeras. (fragment "I hope", chapter Hope)
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- Author Claudia Pavel
I must have been a poet, that might justify the high sensibility drifted apart.But then, I ask myself:“What is a poet without his voice of happiness?” “What is a poet when his sensibility is found in nothing but fatal solitude and deep melancholy?!”My beliefs pour into unfounded questions of my soul's floated songs. (Excerpted from Tears of pain, chapter Pain)
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- Author Claudia Pavel
I shall crave for love at the bottom of the abyss, until I find you...(fragment from "Awaiting your arrival", chapter Hope)
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- Author Claudia Pavel
And kiss me...As the eternity is swallowed in one second And that second lasts forever ...(fragment from And then my love, chapter Passion)
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- Author Claudia Pavel
In the waltz of the leaves in the airIn the features of the playful cloudsIn the nostalgia carried by the windIn Paris alone,I save your love(fragment from Your presence “partout”, chapter Hope)
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- Author Claudia Pavel
I want to write about the Sun, whose rays of light caress the sea and under his bliss, all the essence breathes (Excerpted from Underneath horizons, chapter Resilience)
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- Author Claudia Pavel
I want to write about the Sea,whose waves run smoothly in incitement and carry joy, under the wings of freedom (Excerpted from Underneath horizons, chapter Resilience)
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- Author Claudia Pavel
I want to write about the Sky, whose waltz of angels fascinates horizons and keeps the cosmic ring in wonder(Excerpted from Underneath horizons, chapter Resilience)
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- Author Claudia Pavel
I want to write about the Earth,whose veil of light embraces tendrilsand gives us peace and joy and hope for new beginnings… (Excerpted from Underneath horizons, chapter Resilience)
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