76 Quotes by Clement of Alexandria

  • Author Clement of Alexandria
  • Quote

    We shall understand the mode of purification by confession, and that of contemplation by analysis, advancing by analysis to the first notion, beginning with the properties underlying it; abstracting from the body its physical properties, taking away the dimension of depth, then that of breadth, and then that of length. For the point which remains is a unit, so to speak, having position; from which if we abstract position, there is the conception of unity.

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  • Author Clement of Alexandria
  • Quote

    Après eux, comme on le voit dans le premier livre des Rois, Saûl ayant été régénéré par l'huile sainte, régna vingt ans. Après la mort de Saûl, David régna en Hébron ; ce fut le second roi. Il était fils de Jessé, de la tribu de Juda; son règne dura quarante ans, comme le rapporte le second livre des Rois.

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  • Author Clement of Alexandria
  • Quote

    And Pythagoras is reported to have been a disciple of Sonches the Egyptian arch-prophet; and Plato, of Sechnuphis of Heliopolis; and Eudoxus, of Cnidius of Konuphis, who was also an Egyptian.[Stromata, 1.15]

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  • Author Clement of Alexandria
  • Quote

    La rhétorique a pour principe ce qui est probable; pour moyen, l'argument ; pour fin, la persuasion : l'art de la dispute a pour principe ce qui est vraisemblable ; pour moyen, la discussion ; pour fin, la victoire.

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  • Author Clement of Alexandria
  • Quote

    Il faut conclure de là que pour être sauvé il est nécessaire d'avoir appris la vérité de la bouche du Christ, quand même on se serait élevé jusqu'aux maximes de la philosophie grecque. Stromates Livre V, XIII

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  • Author Clement of Alexandria
  • Quote

    Nous ne craindrons pas dans ce recueil d'emprunter à la philosophie et aux traditions qui la précèdent ce qu'elles renferment de plus beau.

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  • Author Clement of Alexandria
  • Quote

    Zeno said well of the Indians, that he would rather have seen one Indian roasted, than have learned the whole of the arguments about bearing pain. But we have exhibited before our eyes every day abundant sources of martyrs that are burnt, impaled, beheaded.

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  • Author Clement of Alexandria
  • Quote

    But the art of sophistry, which the Greeks cultivated, is a fantastic power, which makes false opinions like true by means of words. For it produces rhetoric in order to persuasion, and disputation for wrangling. These arts, therefore, if not conjoined with philosophy, will be injurious to every one.

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