104 Quotes by Clifford D. Simak

"Much of what we see in the universe ... starts out as imaginary. Often you must imagine something before you can come to terms with it."


"Once there had been joy, but now there was only sadness, and it was not, he knew, alone the sadness of an empty house; it was the sadness of all else, the sadness of the Earth, the sadness of the failures and the empty triumphs."


"I did not want to move. For I had the feeling that this was a place, once seen, that could not be seen again. If I left and then came back, it would not be the same; no matter how many times I might return to this particular spot the place and feeling would never be the same, something would be lost or something would be added, and there never would exist again, through all eternity, all the integrated factors that made it what it was in this magic moment."


"This is written in the elder days as the Earth rides close to the rim of eternity, edging nearer to the dying Sun, into which her two inner companions of the solar system have already plunged to a fiery death. The Twilight of the Gods is history; and our planet drifts on and on into that oblivion from which nothing escapes, to which time itself may be dedicated in the final cosmic reckoning."


"Before Man goes to the stars he should learn how to live on Earth ."


"We thought all the time that we were passing through time when we really weren't, when we never have. We've just been moving along with time."


"By the time it was able to go into deep space, it must have arrived at an energy source which would not be based on planetary natural resources."


"He had dabbled in a thing which he had not understood. And had, furthermore, committed that greater sin of thinking that he did understand. And the fact of the matter was that he had just barely understood enough to make the concept work, but had not understood enough to be aware of its consequences. With."


"If mankind were to continue in other than the present barbarism, a new path must be found, a new civilization based on some other method than technology."


"University politics,” declared Oop, “doesn’t care about liberal traditions or any other kind of traditions."
