27 Quotes by Clifford Odets

"One night some short weeks ago, for the first time in her not always happy life, Marilyn Monroe’s soul sat down alone to a quiet supper from which it did not rise."


"There are two kinds of marriages – where the husband quotes the wife and where the wife quotes the husband."


"There are 43,000 minutes in a month – can’t you give me five?"


"You make me feel too human, Joe. All I want is peace and quiet, not love. I’m a tired old lady, Joe, and I don’t mind being what you call “half dead.” In fact it’s what I like. The twice I was in love I took an awful beating and I don’t want it again! I want you to stop it! Don’t devil me, Joe. I beg you, don’t devil me..."


"You ’re too sufficient by yourself... too inside yourself."


"Any idiot can face a crisis – it’s day to day living that wears you out."


"Sex - the poor man's polo."
