412 Quotes by Colson Whitehead

  • Author Colson Whitehead
  • Quote

    And America, too, is a delusion, the grandest one of all. The white race believes – believes with all its heart – that it is their right to take the land. To kill Indians. Make war. Enslave their brothers. This nation shouldn’t exist, if there is any justice in the world, for its foundations are murder, theft, and cruelty. Yet here we are.

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  • Author Colson Whitehead
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    It was a gorgeous and intricate delusion, Manhattan, and from crooked angles on overcast days you saw it disintegrate, were forced to consider this tenuous creature in its true nature.

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  • Author Colson Whitehead
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    As the years pass, Valentine observed, racial violence only becomes more vicious in its expression. It will not abate or disappear, not anytime soon, and not in the south.

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  • Author Colson Whitehead
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    When the state of Florida dug him up fifty years later, the forensic examiner noted the fractures in the wrists and speculated that he’d been restrained before he died, in addition to the other violence attested by the broken bones. Most of those who know the story of the rings in the trees are dead by now. The iron is still there. Rusty. Deep in the heartwood. Testifying to anyone who cares to listen.

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  • Author Colson Whitehead
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    To forbid the thought of escape, even that slightest butterfly thought of escape, was to murder one’s humanity.

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  • Author Colson Whitehead
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    Tonight the song you always despised strides from the jukebox full-bodied and you hear the lyrics for the first time, understand the lyrics for the first time after all these years. This new you with an older soul. Now it’s your favorite. All this time singing the wrong words.

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  • Author Colson Whitehead
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    He ate every miserable spoonful and ever since it struck him that adults are always trying to buy off children to make them forget their bad actions.

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  • Author Colson Whitehead
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    No, Fulton was colored. She understands this luminous truth. Natchez did not lie about that: she has seen it in the man’s books, made plain by her new literacy. In the last few days she has learned how to read, like a slave does, one forbidden word at a time.

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  • Author Colson Whitehead
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    No one really cares about other people when you get down to it – their own struggles are too close up.

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