152 Quotes by Conn Iggulden
- Author Conn Iggulden
What is a first line, but a door flung open by an unseen hand
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- Author Conn Iggulden
Um homem forte pode dobrar o céu a seu favor, mas só para si mesmo, sabia Temujin.
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- Author Conn Iggulden
If word got out that anyone was moving soldiers, they could expect a tuman to turn up on the horizon. Genghis was not a man to ignore a naked challenge to his authority. The Mongol army moved and millions would die.
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- Author Conn Iggulden
Men respect the silent; they despise the garrulous. – Marius.
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- Author Conn Iggulden
It is done. We are a nation and we will ride. Tonight, let no man think of his tribe and mourn. We are a greater family and all lands are ours to take.
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- Author Conn Iggulden
A knowledge isn’t dangerous. Only the man is dangerous.
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- Author Conn Iggulden
Your gold buys my service, pleasure of seeing Spartans in battle. It is a rare gift and worth more than mere coins. After all, most men see it only once and never again.
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- Author Conn Iggulden
Now that we sharpened our teeth, let’s use them.
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- Author Conn Iggulden
All men die,” Jelme went on, ignoring the outburst. “It could be tonight, next year, or in forty years, when you are toothless and weak. All you can do is choose how you stand when it comes.
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