152 Quotes by Conn Iggulden
- Author Conn Iggulden
Know the enemy and you will know how to kill him.
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- Author Conn Iggulden
Every man has it’s price, but it’s almost never the gold.
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- Author Conn Iggulden
What is the purpose of life if not to conquer? To steal women and land? I would rather be here and see this than live out my life in peace.
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- Author Conn Iggulden
We are the silver people, the Mongols. When they ask, tell them there are no tribes. Tell them I am khan of the sea of grass, and they will know me by that name, as Genghis. Yes, tell them that. Tell them that I am Genghis and I will ride.
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- Author Conn Iggulden
His generals were ready; his sons were. It remained to be seen whether the Arab nations were ready to meet them in war. In their arrogance, they had invited annihilation.
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- Author Conn Iggulden
The Buddha said, ‘Gripped by fear, men go to the sacred mountains and sacred groves, sacred trees and shrines.’ I am not afraid of death, my lady. I need no god to comfort me in my fear.
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- Author Conn Iggulden
The Assassin fortress in Alamut came under attack by Hulegu’s forces around 1256. The head of the Muslim sect that held the fortress of Alamut was, in fact, Ala Ad-Din. I avoided his true name because of the similarity to “Aladdin” and because.
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- Author Conn Iggulden
Only memories stay the same, young lad. Everything else changes.
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- Author Conn Iggulden
Why do you have sons, if not to grow up and test their boldness? Boldness cannot be laid like bones in the sack. It must be driven and again shown on the light, each time stronger than the last. You’re mistaken if you think you can keep it, until you need it. It’s like everything else, that gives you strength. If you neglect it, your sack will be empty, when you need it the most.
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