103 Quotes by Damien Chazelle

  • Author Damien Chazelle
  • Quote

    There something to be said for having even unrealistic dreams. Even if the dreams don't come true - that, to me, is what's beautiful about Los Angeles. It's full of these people who have moved there to chase these dreams.

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  • Author Damien Chazelle
  • Quote

    Certainly, grades only matter so much when you're in Hollywood. But I became an utterly motivated, devoted, committed student. I was a good student because I was convinced that it would somehow help me in my quest to become a filmmaker.

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  • Author Damien Chazelle
  • Quote

    I love movies where you can sense that the director risked biting off more than they can chew.

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  • Author Damien Chazelle
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    'La La Land' is about the city I live in. It's about the music that I grew up playing; it's about movies that I grew up watching. Even the big spectacle of the movie feels private to me in that way.

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  • Author Damien Chazelle
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    I love the idea of thinking of cinema as not that far from music. A lot of my favourite movie makers, the way they move their cameras or the way they cut just feel very musical - even if the movies have no music in them at all.

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  • Author Damien Chazelle
  • Quote

    I didn't have traditional stage fright. If there was 500 people in the audience or three people in the audience, it didn't really make a difference. What made a difference was the conductor. Everything that I was scared about as a drummer was him. It was his face. It was whether or not he'd approve of my playing.

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  • Author Damien Chazelle
  • Quote

    I like movies where you feel like it was actually thought through.

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