178 Quotes by Daniel Dennett

  • Author Daniel Dennett
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    A child raised on a desert island, alone, without social interaction, without language, and thus lacking empathy, is still a sentient being.

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  • Author Daniel Dennett
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    I don't think the 9/11 attacks taught us anything we didn't already know about religion. It has long been obvious - even to the deeply religious - that religious fanaticism is an extremely dangerous deranger of otherwise sane and goodhearted people.

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  • Author Daniel Dennett
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    Keep Darwinian thinking out of cosmology, out of psychology, out of human culture, out of ethics, politics, and religion!

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  • Author Daniel Dennett
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    I have shown that those who deplore Artificial Intelligence are also those who deplore the evolutionary accounts of human mentality: if human minds are non-miraculous products of evolution, then they are, in the requisite sense, artifacts, and all their powers must have an ultimately mechanical explanation. We are descended from macros and made of macros, and nothing we can do is beyond the power of huge assemblies of macros.

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  • Author Daniel Dennett
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    There is no reality of consciousness independent of the effects of various vehicles of content on subsequent action (and hence, of course, on memory).

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  • Author Daniel Dennett
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    It is not so much that we, using our brains, spin our yarns, as that our brains, using yarns, spin us.

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  • Author Daniel Dennett
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    I even agree that the concept of god helps some people lead better lives. That does happen. Don't ever forget it. I just think there are better ways to help people lead better lives.

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  • Author Daniel Dennett
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    The evidence for evolution pours in, not only from geology, paleontology, biogeography, and anatomy, but of course from molecular biology and every other branch of the life sciences.

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  • Author Daniel Dennett
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    An inert historical fact is any fact about a perfectly ordinary arrangement of matter in the world at some point in the past that is no longer discernible, a fact that has left no footprints at all in the world today.

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