178 Quotes by Daniel Dennett

  • Author Daniel Dennett
  • Quote

    I don’t think there is any religious revival. I think what we are hearing, the furor, is merely the hysterical response of the churches the handwriting on the wall that they are seeing.

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  • Author Daniel Dennett
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    It stands to reason that we love chocolate cake because it is sweet. Guys go for girls like this because they are sexy. We adore babies because they’re so cute. And, of course, we are amused by jokes because they are funny. This is all backwards. It is. And Darwin shows us why.

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  • Author Daniel Dennett
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    I’m the guy who reputedly denies that people experience colors or pains, and thinks that thermostats think – just ask my critics.

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  • Author Daniel Dennett
  • Quote

    In order to make a perfect and beautiful machine, it is not requisite to know how to make it. All the works of human genius can be understood in the end to be products of a cascade of generate-and-test procedures that are, at bottom, algorithmic and mindless.

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  • Author Daniel Dennett
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    I even agree that the concept of god helps some people lead better lives. That does happen. Don’t ever forget it. I just think there are better ways to help people lead better lives.

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  • Author Daniel Dennett
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    Cost is always an object – the second law of thermodynamics sees to that.

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  • Author Daniel Dennett
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    Human freedom is not an illusion; it is an objective phenomenon, distinct from all other biological conditions and found in only one species – us.

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  • Author Daniel Dennett
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    The only answer to the endless chains of why, why, why is that the alternatives died.

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  • Author Daniel Dennett
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    We should get used to the idea that we’ll probably never be able to find – and confirm – a good explanation of the ultimate origin of the universe, though I see no reason to believe that we can’t press much further on this question than we have managed to date.

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