226 Quotes by Daniel Keyes
- Author Daniel Keyes
Who's to say that death is better than your darkness?
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- Author Daniel Keyes
Every part of me is attuned to the work. I soak it up into my pores during the day, and at night--in the moments before I pass off into sleep--ideas explode into my head like fireworks. There is no greater joy than the burst of solution to a problem.
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- Author Daniel Keyes
Three blind mice... three blind mice, See how they run, See how they runt They all run after the farmer's wife, She cut oft their tails with a carving knife, Did you ever see such a sight in your life, As three... blind... mice?
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- Author Daniel Keyes
It doesn't mean," she shrugged. "It just is - like a poem.
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- Author Daniel Keyes
Что важнее, расширять кругозор или демонстрировать чувства? Может, даже сам вопрос неверный, потому что у тебя чувств нет. Вероятно, если подавить их и жить исключительно логикой, можно стать выдающимся полезным человеком, но ты останешься одинок и будешь никому не нужен.
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- Author Daniel Keyes
Even a feeble-minded man wants to be like other men.A child may not know how to feed itself, or what to eat, yet it knows hunger.
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- Author Daniel Keyes
My father was in the paper recycling business back before they called it recycling.
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- Author Daniel Keyes
I thought: 'My education is driving a wedge between me and the people I love.' And then I wondered: 'What would happen if it were possible to increase a person's intelligence?'
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- Author Daniel Keyes
There are a lot of people who will give money or materials, but very few who will give time and affection.
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