19 Quotes by Daniel Younger

  • Author Daniel Younger
  • Quote

    There is a weird kind of anonymity a roller coaster provides: It’s populated, but everyone’s too preoccupied with whirling around the roof of a casino to eavesdrop. It runs a fixed amount of time, has minimal surveillance for lack of a way to descramble the audio, and it’s conveniently out of earshot for certain writer- types who might scribble down the plan.

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  • Author Daniel Younger
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    Good threat,” the woman chuckled. “Here’s mine: you’ve got about twenty minutes to hightail it over to Venetian before your brother becomes a memory wrote in pink mist. Toodles.

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  • Author Daniel Younger
  • Quote

    Statistical fact: cops will never pull over a man in a sweet vanif he’s carrying forty pounds of sinsemilla buds. Another fact:ninety percent of all statistics are made up.

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  • Author Daniel Younger
  • Quote

    Look, the point is, tiny fire-breathing dinosaur, stacked up against a doofus not-so-ninja turtle and an overgrown iguana with a flower on his back—practical shit aside, he’s clearly the ace choice.

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  • Author Daniel Younger
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    It would take a good amount of work, a considerable amount of patience, and an unfathomable amount of foot rubs, but in the end—at least for a while—they lived happily.

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  • Author Daniel Younger
  • Quote

    The Flamingo Casino is a slice of Vegas legacy. It’s kind of where it all started. With a reputation steeped in infamy, it’s the place tourists go hoping to spot some vestige of the mafia in the glitzy city. And time after time, they go in, poke around, and come out saying: “Well that’s totally not what I expected—hey look, naked bronze chicks!

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  • Author Daniel Younger
  • Quote

    You’re loading the deck. You’re wasted. And I’m ninety-percent sure you’re Irish—tell me, why would I trust you?”Quinn thought about it. The man had a point—well, several. “Because you like my accent?

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