479 Quotes by David Brooks
- Author David Brooks
Young Arab men are not going to walk away from extremism because they can suddenly afford a Slurpee. They will walk away when they can devote themselves to a some call to serve a cause that connects nationalism to dignity and democracy and transcends a lifetime.
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- Author David Brooks
You can't counter a heroic impulse with a mundane and bourgeois response. You can counter it only with a more compelling heroic vision.
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- Author David Brooks
Women, in general, are less visually aroused than men, a trait that has nearly cut the market for pornography in half.
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- Author David Brooks
I think the rampant individualism of our current culture is a catastrophe. The emphasis on self—individual success, self-fulfillment, individual freedom, self-actualization—is a catastrophe.
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- Author David Brooks
Poorer children grow up with more stress and more disruption, and these disadvantages produce effects on the brain. Researchers often use dull tests to see who can focus attention and stay on task. Children raised in the top income quintile were two-and-a-half times more likely to score well on these tests than students raised in the bottom quintile.
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- Author David Brooks
Her genius derives from the fact that she was capable of the deepest feeling but also of the most discerning and disciplined thought.
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- Author David Brooks
The imagination offers up ideal visions of experiences which then leave us disappointed when the visions don’t come true.
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- Author David Brooks
She was carried along by events, not reflecting on them, just letting them sweep over her.
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- Author David Brooks
Populism and elitism are the same thing. They are class prejudices, crude class prejudices that so-and-so, because they are uneducated, is less worthy, or so-and-so, because they are richer or more educated, is unworthy.
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