155 Quotes by David Horowitz

  • Author David Horowitz
  • Quote

    During the Sixties, we also became a culture of splinter-groups, of people who identified ourselves according to ethnicity, gender, special interests – a galaxy of minorities, united only by a sensibility that now regarded society at large with suspicion.

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  • Author David Horowitz
  • Quote

    That theme is individual freedom. The economic redistribution that progressives demand is not “fairness,” as they maintain. Socialism is theft and a war on individual freedom.

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  • Author David Horowitz
  • Quote

    The issue here isn’t whether every student is brainwashed, it’s whether it is appropriate.

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  • Author David Horowitz
  • Quote

    We are not only losing the war with enemies whose stated goal is our destruction, we are led by a political party that constantly finds excuses not to take these enemies seriously, and never has to account for its disgraceful conduct because its potential opposition is mute.

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  • Author David Horowitz
  • Quote

    The use of force in Iraq had been authorized by both houses of Congress, including a majority of Democrats in the Senate. It was supported in eloquent speeches by John Kerry, John Edwards, Al Gore and other Democratic leaders. But just three months into the war, they turned against an action that they had authorized, and began a five-year campaign to delegitimize the war, casting America as its villain.

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  • Author David Horowitz
  • Quote

    The catastrophe of every socialist scheme in the 20th century has had a devastating effect on leftwing optimism and has replaced it with the corrosive nihilism that makes it impossible for most leftists to defend a country which, compared to the socialist paradises, is a veritable heaven on earth. All that remains of the revolutionary project is the bitter hatred of the society its exponents inhabit, and their destructive will to bring it down.

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  • Author David Horowitz
  • Quote

    Reluctance to go for the jugular and willingness to accept defeat can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you are reluctant to fight, you are inevitably headed toward defeat when the other side is relentless and despises you. It is only for those who persist in the battle and never let up that the possibility of changing the result comes into view. In.

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  • Author David Horowitz
  • Quote

    The president and his administration then went into cover-up mode lying to Congress and the American people, pretending for weeks afterwards that the attack was the result of a spontaneous demonstration over an anti-Mohammed internet video, whose director they then threw in jail.

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  • Author David Horowitz
  • Quote

    The whole history of the radical past, from Trotsky on, warned that my individual truth would have little effect on the attitude of the left. Confronted by such a truth, the left would seek first to ignore and then to discredit it, because it was damaging to the progressive cause.

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