220 Quotes by David Icke

"If you are offended at anything and have your emotions stressed as a result, it is you who have chosen to be offended. It’s a thought form, a state of mind, which you are in control of."


"Conflict through the ages has not been between opposites, but versions of the same state of mind: the desire to control others."


"You have inner emotional turmoil because you are suppressing who you really are and submitting, through fear, to another’s design; and/or you are seething with anger and resentment with people who won’t live their lives as you believe they should."


"Beliefs are limitations of vision and prisons of the mind. We believe too much and feel too little. Only when we follow our feelings, instead of denying them, will we break the grip the manipulators have on so many psyches. Go with the flow without fear of what others will think. The most powerful way to set ourselves free of the thinking, believing, fearing, intellect, is to celebrate our own uniqueness, allow everyone else to do the same, and never seek to impose what we believe on another."


"A major expression of that fear is the need to earn money to live."


"Crazy and insane are words used throughout history to describe people and ideas that are simply different."


"We laugh at sheep because sheep just follow the one in front. We humans have out-sheeped the sheep, because at least the sheep need a sheep dog to keep them in line. Humans keep each other in line. And they do it by ridiculing or condemning anyone who commits the crime, and that’s what it’s become, of being different."


"this is what its saying: any criticism of someone who happens to be Jewish... for almost any reason, is anti-semitic"


"Mainstream “science” is not the pursuit of knowledge overwhelmingly, it is about defending a rigid belief system and repelling all information that would demolish the foundations of those rigid beliefs."


"This attitude of judging each other by our “jobs” is to ignore and deny who we really are."
