55 Quotes by David Lodge
- Author David Lodge
Niciodata n-am visat mult. Ceea ce inseamna din cate inteleg ca pur si simplu nu-mi amintesc visele, fiindca de visat visam tot timpul cat dormim sau cel putin asa se spune. E ca si cum as avea un televizor la care nu se uita nimeni si care imi palpaie in cap cat e noaptea de lunga. Canalul viselor. As vrea sa pot sa trag toata chestia asta pe video. Poate ca atunci mi-as da cat de cat seama ce se intampla cu mine. Si nu ma refer la genunchi, ci la cap. La minte. La suflet.
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- Author David Lodge
We might have been able to say 20 years ago that it was unanticipated consequence, but we know now that a shipload could bring in a bunch of invasive species into the Great Lakes.
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- Author David Lodge
She was a very funny writer but also a very thoughtful one. She made writers think and she made readers think. She was constantly playing on the difference between God and the writer.
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- Author David Lodge
Literature is mostly about having sex and not much about having children. Life is the other way round.
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- Author David Lodge
Walt Whitman who laid end to end words never seen in each other's company before outside of a dictionary.
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- Author David Lodge
Life, after all, should go forwards, not backwards.
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- Author David Lodge
Perhaps that's what we're all looking for - desire undiluted by habit.
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- Author David Lodge
It's the only thing that keeps me going these days, travelling. Changes of scene, changes of faces
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- Author David Lodge
Every decoding is another encoding.
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