487 Quotes by David Lynch

  • Author David Lynch
  • Quote

    Forget being the best of anything. That's the fruit of the action, and you do the work -they say- for the doing, not the fruit. You can never really know how it's gonna turn out in the world but you know if you enjoy doing it. And ideas start flowing and you start getting, you know, excited about stuff. Then you're having a great time in the doing and that's what it's all about. If you don't enjoy the doing, then do something else.

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  • Author David Lynch
  • Quote

    Transcendental Meditation is not a religion, it's not against any religion, it's for human beings, no matter what color, what religion, what walk of life. If you're a human being, it will work for you. And you will be very glad you found this technique and took advantage of it.

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  • Author David Lynch
  • Quote

    A film - especially when it's a personal film - is going to hit somebody or it's not. There's nothing you can do about it.

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  • Author David Lynch
  • Quote

    The first goal is to get 10,000 students practicing Transcendental Meditation in the U.S. to create a wave of peace in America that will be a catalyst for peace in the world. It will be a peace-meditating group like a factory that pumps peace around the world.

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  • Author David Lynch
  • Quote

    I'm lost in a transition. The old is dead, and I don't know what the new is. The only way to find the new is to start different things and see if there's something that can come out of experimentation. It's somewhat unsettling, but it's a hopeful thing in a way. I've been here before, lots of times.

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  • Author David Lynch
  • Quote

    It makes me uncomfortable to talk about meanings and things. It's better not to know so much about what things mean. Because the meaning, it's a very personal thing, and the meaning for me is different than the meaning for somebody else.

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  • Author David Lynch
  • Quote

    Meditation is to dive all the way within, beyond thought, to the source of thought and pure consciousness. It enlarges the container, every time you transcend. When you come out, you come out refreshed, filled with energy and enthusiasm for life.

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