66 Quotes by David Michie

  • Author David Michie
  • Quote

    - Kaip įdomu! Šįryt šventykloje matėme naujokus, besivaržančius dėl vietų gyventi vienuolyne. Norinčiųjų daug, o vietų nepakanka. Bet į kalėjimą niekas nenori, nors ten sąlygos lengvesnės negu vienuolyne. Ir tai įrodo, jog mes jaučiamės laimingi ar nelaimingi ne dėl pačių sąlygų, o kaip į jas žiūrime.

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  • Author David Michie
  • Quote

    The researchers summarized: "A human mind is a wandering mind, and a wandering mind is an unhappy mind. The ability to think about what is not happening is a cognitive achievement that comes at an emotional cost.". Long ago, Buddhists reached much the same conclusion.

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  • Author David Michie
  • Quote

    The main shift, you see, is from placing self at the center of our thoughts to putting others there. It is-what do you say?-a paradox that the more we can focus our thoughts on the well-being of others, the happier we become. The first one to benefit is oneself. I call this being wisely selfish.

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  • Author David Michie
  • Quote

    If there is a very strong connection, sometimes the same being can come back again and again.

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  • Author David Michie
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    Pradėjau suprasti, kad jei idėja paprasta, nereiškia, jog lengvai įgyvendinama. Gali sau murkti pritardama aukštiems principams, bet kas iš to, jei gyveni jų nesilaikydama.

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  • Author David Michie
  • Quote

    You now have first-hand knowledge of how our of control the mind is.

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  • Author David Michie
  • Quote

    It is the wonderful paradox,” he continued, “that the best way to achieve happiness for oneself is to give happiness to others.

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