66 Quotes by David Michie

  • Author David Michie
  • Quote

    The purpose of Buddhism is not to convert people. It is to give them tools so they can create greater happiness. So they can be happier Catholics, happier atheists, happier Buddhists.

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  • Author David Michie
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    Mahatma Gandhi once said: ‘The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.’ Interesting, isn’t it?

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  • Author David Michie
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    Sometimes we need to be reminded what we’re capable of.

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  • Author David Michie
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    In the Dharma, there is no place for guilt. Guilt is useless. It is pointless to feel bad about something in the past that we can’t change. But regret? Yes. This is more useful. Do you both feel sincere regret for what you did?

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  • Author David Michie
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    When you say ‘This is a bad thing that’s happening,’ how often are you wrong?

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  • Author David Michie
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    We don’t stop thinking about ourselves the whole time. Even when this makes us unhappy and uptight. If we focus too much on ourselves, we make ourselves sick. We have this constant inner chatter going morning, noon, and night, this inner monologue. But paradoxically, the more we are able to think about making other beings happy, the happier we become ourselves.

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  • Author David Michie
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    Two main true causes of happiness: first, the wish to give happiness to others, which Buddhists define as love, and second, the wish to help free others from dissatisfaction or suffering, which we define as compassion.

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  • Author David Michie
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    Enduring happiness was only possible with equanimity. As long as our happiness depended on circumstances, it would be as fleeting and unreliable as the events themselves.

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  • Author David Michie
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    One way to achieve happiness is to give happiness to others.

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