82 Quotes by David Miliband

  • Author David Miliband
  • Quote

    I’ve committed myself to serve my constituents in South Shields and I have committed myself to British politics.

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  • Author David Miliband
  • Quote

    Essentially, by 2050 we need all activities outside agriculture to be near zero carbon emitting if we are to stop carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere growing.

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  • Author David Miliband
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    I’m a great believer in the Arsene Wenger school of management – which is, you don’t worry about the opposition, you just get your own act together.

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  • Author David Miliband
  • Quote

    John Major put the ‘er’ back into Conservative, David Cameron’s put the ‘Con’ into Conservative – and Norman Lamont put the ‘vat’ into Conservative!

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  • Author David Miliband
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    The problems that the world faces – from nuclear proliferation to climate change – can’t be tackled by the West alone. They need a coalition of not just West and East, but they need a coalition of Christian and Jew and Muslim.

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  • Author David Miliband
  • Quote

    The biggest opportunity in 2013 is in Africa. It has seven out of the ten fastest-growing economies in the world. In Nigeria alone there are 100 million people with mobile phones. In total, 300 million Africans – five times the population of Britain – are in the middle class.

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  • Author David Miliband
  • Quote

    Today, the UK must be the pioneer of a new model of economic change, that integrates social and environmental consideration. This is not just a question of values and moral duty. It is about our economy’s capacity to sustain itself.

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