62 Quotes by David Walker

  • Author David Walker
  • Quote

    Well, it was just, the bars was all just like the bamboo roofs and everything. You know. As I say, to me, it's completely spoiled all, all these places now. Make them all just tourist traps.

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  • Author David Walker
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    Just five years ago, it was almost impossible to waste a million dollars building a Web site.

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  • Author David Walker
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    Usually the way to screw up some good fishing is to have a tournament. This just keeps getting better and better.

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  • Author David Walker
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    In my view, the greatest threat to America's future isn't hiding in a cave in Pakistan or Afghanistan; it's right here at home. Baby boomers like myself are on course to become the first generation of Americans who leave things in worse shape than they found them.

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  • Author David Walker
  • Quote

    Our government has made a whole lot of promises that, in the long run, it cannot possibly keep without huge tax increases.

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  • Author David Walker
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    The Americans say that we are ungrateful-but I ask them for heaven's sake, what should we be grateful to them for-for murdering our fathers and mothers?-Or do they wish us to return thanks to them for chaining and handcuffing us, branding us, cramming fire down our throats, or for keeping us in slavery, and beating us nearly or quite to death to make us work in ignorance and miseries, to support them and their families. They certainly think we are a gang of fools.

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  • Author David Walker
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    To me, the real marks of beauty in a woman are courage, character, kindness, and personality.

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  • Author David Walker
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    I know that the blacks, take them half enlightened and ignorant, are more humane and merciful than the most enlightened and refined European that can be found in all the earth.

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  • Author David Walker
  • Quote

    Lord, please give me big ears and a thoughtful mind. Teach me to ask well and see it through other’s eyes.

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