58 Quotes by David Zucker

"I think once we started directing separately - we each have different kinds of interests now, and the kinds of movies we want to do. I wouldn't hold your breath for that one."


"I think that came out of watching all those serious movies for all that time. If you watch a movie like Zero Hour, Sterling Hayden is pretty funny, and so are the guys in the cockpit."


"Anna never cracks up. She knows that if I need her to take that baseball, she'll do it. You can't get a stunt double. It wouldn't be funny to have a stunt double from behind."


"The studio just wanted us to throw in something as a tease. I didn't object."


"I'm thrilled that people had as much fun seeing the movie as we did making it. I couldn't be happier about this very strong opening."


"Tim Burton is underrated. I loved Big Fish, loved that movie, think it’s the best movie of the year, hands down. Really impressed with that."


"I don’t know if I’d want to do that anymore, because you always get bigger laughs on college campuses. So, when the film plays in front of a city audience, you’ve probably cut too loosely."


"Sometimes, if you really want to try something original, you step a little too far out of bounds. I mean, there’s a market force that kind of unconsciously keeps you in line a little bit."


"Quit now, you’ll never make it. If you disregard this advice, you’ll be halfway there."


"I lose tons of stuff on the cutting room floor. For Scary Movie 3, for example, we had a lot of Matrix spoofs, a Hulk scene, and some of that stuff just doesn’t hold up – it’s too much plot, audiences just didn’t want to hear about it."
