102 Quotes by Dawn French
"Other than my memory being a bit woolly and my knees being a bit creaky, I don't really think there's anything I can't do."
"I do think you are supposed to go through wars with your child because otherwise the tearing apart that has to happen when they go off to lead their own life would be unbearable."
"I think of myself now as a writer, although I wouldn't go as far as to say 'novelist' because that sounds like a Victorian person."
"Evolving into a middle-aged person is quite interesting if we can understand what it means. I would like to think it meant being a bit sure of what I want."
"Turn up your radio. Watch lots of telly and eat loads of choc. Feel guilty. Stay up all night. Learn everything in six hours that has taken you two years to compile. That's how I did it."
"My daughter couldn't care less about me being famous. She finds it revolting and, like a lot of teenagers, is virtually allergic to me. That started at 12 and hasn't gone anywhere yet."
"Any people whose lives are about the way they look, whether it's fat or thin, are in a dangerous area."
"I'd like to play a horse, many people think I already have. Either end of the horse would be fine."