139 Quotes by Deanna Raybourn

"I am usually an excellent sleeper. My ability to take my rest no matter how insalubrious the circumstances – along with a sound stomach and excellent legs – accounts for the success of my travels through varied and demanding parts of the world."


"Plants develop poison as a protection against predation. Should I keep one out simply because it has learnt better than its brothers how to defend itself? Roses have thorns and yet no one ever thinks to ban them from a garden for being prickly."


"If you were a man, your ladyship, I would cordially horsewhip you for that remark."


"You have large opinions for so small a person."


"Veronica to Stoker: “Does this mean you will stop torturing me by displaying yourself in various states of undress?"


"There will always be men who rally to the cause of another man in his moment of disgrace simply because they fear their own so deeply."


"Now I was more certain than ever of my decision. I could not love a man who did not love Jane Austen."


"The truth is a hard mirror, and I am in no mood to look upon my reflection."


"It is seldom that a gentleman raises the subject of sewage so early in a conversation, I reflected."


"I had long since discovered upon my travels that men are largely the same no matter where one encounters them. And if one is prepared to let them discourse on their pet topics of conversation, one can generally get on with things quite handily without any interference."
