262 Quotes by Denis Diderot

  • Author Denis Diderot
  • Quote

    I am wholly yours – you are everything to me; we will sustain each other in all the ills of life it may please fate to inflict upon us; you will soothe my troubles; I will comfort you in yours.

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  • Author Denis Diderot
  • Quote

    A nation which thinks that it is belief in God and not good law which makes people honest does not seem to me very advanced.

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  • Author Denis Diderot
  • Quote

    How many wisely conceived projects have failed and will fail in the future! How many insane projects have succeeded and will succeed!

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  • Author Denis Diderot
  • Quote

    Which is the greater merit, to enlighten the human race, which remains forever, or to save one’s fatherland, which is perishable?

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  • Author Denis Diderot
  • Quote

    Si en este mundo no se dice casi nada que sea escuchado como debiera, hay algo mucho peor, y es que no se hace casi nada que sea juzgado tal y como se ha hecho.

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  • Author Denis Diderot
  • Quote

    There’s a bit of testicle at the bottom of our most sublime feelings and our purest tenderness.

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  • Author Denis Diderot
  • Quote

    Isn’t it better to have men being ungrateful than to miss a chance to do good?

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  • Author Denis Diderot
  • Quote

    Tous les jours on couche avec des femmes qu’on n’aime pas, et l’on ne couche pas avec des femmes qu’on aime. Every day we sleep with women we do not love and don’t sleep with the women we do love.

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