237 Quotes by Diablo Cody

  • Author Diablo Cody
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    I actually have two children now, and sometimes I wonder if that’s it. Because they do make writing and directing more complicated and more difficult, especially now that they’re very young.

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  • Author Diablo Cody
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    I don’t have a terrible singing voice, but I also wouldn’t call it ‘good.’ I can carry a tune.

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  • Author Diablo Cody
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    I can’t write at night. For me, I’m programmed to believe that nighttime is for relaxation.

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  • Author Diablo Cody
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    I think I might be one of the only people in America, or at least the only person I know, who saw both ‘The Dark Knight’ and ‘Mamma Mia!’ on their shared opening weekend.

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  • Author Diablo Cody
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    I always say when you write a book, you’re a ‘one-man band.’ Whereas, when you finish a screenplay, it’s just a sketch.

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  • Author Diablo Cody
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    I’ve been watching ‘American Idol’ since its debut season in 2002. Back then, America hadn’t yet evolved into a gladiatorial cybernation of bloggers, tweeters, and self-ordained voice coaches.

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  • Author Diablo Cody
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    The one thing I have found about Hollywood is it’s a town full of people who believe in themselves, often to a degree where they’re what you would call “delusional.”

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  • Author Diablo Cody
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    The public’s appetite for frothy, flippant blondes has waned, but Paris Hilton still fascinates me.

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  • Author Diablo Cody
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    I don’t know why, but I’ve always been a sucker for roller coasters in movies.

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